Flipped Learning : Derrida and Deconstruction
This blog is part of Flipped Learning task based on Derrida and Deconstruction.
Assigned by Dilip Barad Sir.
Video :1
1. Why is it difficult to define Deconstruction?
Ans. Because we are habituated for clear cut definitions, we want definition, .Derrida himself asking question - what are the limits or to what extent one can define something? so it is not possible to define Deconstruction.
2. Is Deconstruction a negative term?
Ans. NO,Deconstruction is a not negative term. Actually, Derrida is inquiring in to the condition or what causes philosophical system or meaning to stand up on its own and fall down. He is inquiring into the foundation.
3. How does Deconstruction happen on its own?
Ans. Deconstruction is the foundations of meanings are inquired, it breakfree the limitations. Thus, an inquiry into foundations destroys the institution.So deconstruction happens on its own.
Video 2
1. The influence of Heidegger on Derrida
Ans. Derrida was German Philosopher with his work "Being and Time"1927 destroyed the entire tradition of western philosophy by persuing the question of being of beings. This influenced Derrida.
2. Derridean rethinking of the foundations of Western philosophy
Ans. Language as rather than writing, means speech over writing. SO Derrida develop the idea of Phonocentricism and Logocentricism OF Western philosophy.
Video 3
1. Ferdinand de Saussureian concept of language (that meaning is arbitrary, relational, constitutive)
Ans. The idea of Saussure is the idea of sign. Language is sign, which is further divided in signifier and signified, through which we understand meaning. He also says that the relationship between signifier and signified is arbitrary.
2. How Derrida deconstructs the idea of arbitrariness?
Ans. Derrida argue that the idea what connects the word with its meaning is not natural - or the sign with its meaning (signified) is conventional .
3. Concept of metaphysics of presence
Ans. Metaphysics of Presence is discussed in terms of binary opposition inherent in language and thus in philosophy. Example : Woman is seen s absence at the man.
Video :4
1. Derridean concept of DifferAnce
Ans. Derrida conveys that it is not speech but writing is the important Difference and DifferAnce both words in difference in writing not speaking.
2. Infinite play of meaning
Ans. Derrida says that meaning of one word is another word not the meaning. Signifier signify another signifier, which in return signify another signifier, and the chain goes on.
3. DIfferAnce = to differ + to defer
Ans. differ is the not similarity of the object and to defer means to postpone or put off. Derrida combine the word because both words used same meaning which DifferAnce.
Video : 5
1. Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences
Ans. Derrida presented this paper in John Hopkins University. This essay was a critique of Claude Levi-Strauss - Structural Anthropology.
2. Explain: "Language bears within itself the necessity of its own critique."
Ans. This quote was Derrida . Structuralism began as the critique of the assumption science as well as metaphysics. On the other hand it uses similar assumptions.The lack in the language - the missing or the blind spot in language demands for the critic to fill it. It can be done only through language. The lack continues to be there.
Video :6
1. The Yale School: the hub of the practitioners of Deconstruction in the literary theories
Ans. The Yale School was knows as theory of Deconstruction. Four members of Paul de Man, J Hillis Miller,Harold Bloom,Geoffrey Hartman. They known as Yale Hermanutic mafia.
2. The characteristics of the Yale School of Deconstruction
Ans. *Characteristics :
1)Looking at literature as figurative or rhetorical construct.
2)They questioned both the aesthetic as well as formalist approach to literature and also questioned the historicist and sociologist approach to literature.
3)They were highly pre-occupied with Romanticism.
Video :7
1. How other schools like New Historicism, Cultural Materialism, Feminism, Marxism and Postcolonial theorists used Deconstruction?
Ans. 1)New Historicism used Deconstruction by its ability to see historicity of text and textuality of history. History is textual and text is historical. 2)Cultural Materialism Cultural Materialism by its ability to emphasize materiality of language - Language is material construct and it has got ability to unmask hidden ideological agendas.3) Feminism used Deconstruction Because it deals with how to subvert the binaries between male and female. By its ability to subvert patriarchal discourse. 4)Marxist changes view and power capitalist towerds the working class people. 5) Postcolonial theorists used Deconstruction by its ability to show that the texts or the discourse of the colonizers can be deconstructed from within the narrative.
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